
【試験に超絶出る英熟語・イディオム・英会話表現】”Good riddance.”の意味は「いい厄介払いだ」IELTS, 英検, 大学入試, 日常会話に超頻出!



Good riddance!

“Good riddance to bad rubbish,” said the AI as it deleted the last remaining files of human history.


“Good riddance!” (idiom) – A phrase used to express relief or satisfaction at being free from an unwanted or bothersome person, situation, or thing. It conveys the idea that one is better off without the presence or influence of what has been removed or has departed.


“Good riddance”の語源は、ウィリアム・シェイクスピアの戯曲「トロイラスとクレシダ」に由来します。このフレーズは、不快な人物や状況から解放されたとき、または望ましくない何かを取り除いたときに、喜びや安堵を表現するために使われます。


(1) After finally selling the car that was always breaking down, I thought, “Good riddance!”


(2) When the disruptive tenant moved out, the neighbors all said, “Good riddance.


(3) After the project team completed the difficult task, they said, “Good riddance to that!”


(4) “Good riddance!” she exclaimed, deleting the emails that only brought her stress.


(5) With the end of the noisy construction nearby, everyone in the office felt it was good riddance.




Welcome to English in a minute. To get rid of something can mean to throw something away. But what do you think good riddance means?

D: My roommate is moving out.

A: You mean the roommate who eats your food, never cleans up, and owes you thousands of dollars in rent money? I say good riddance.

D: Well he’s my friend too, Anna.

A: Dan, he may be a good friend, but he is a terrible roommate.

Good riddance is used to express relief at being free from a troublesome person or thing.

It means you are glad that someone is leaving or something is over. I’ve got to agree with Anna, Dan. You deserve better.


「English in a Minute」へようこそ!

何かを捨てるということは、それを取り除くという意味になります。しかし、「good riddance」はどういう意味だと思いますか?

D: ルームメイトが引っ越すんだ。

A: あなたの食べ物を食べ、掃除をしないで、家賃を何千ドルも滞納しているそのルームメイトのことですか?私なら「good riddance」と言うわ。

D: でも、彼も友達なんだよ、アンナ。

A: ダン、彼は良い友達かもしれないけど、最悪のルームメイトだよ。

「Good riddance」は、厄介な人や物から解放されたときに安堵感を表現するために使われます。

