
【試験に超絶出る英熟語・イディオム・英会話表現】”Hit the nail on the head”の意味は「正鵠を射る、的を射る、本質をついて言う」IELTS, 英検, 大学入試, 日常会話に超頻出!

Hit the nail on the head

“I tried to hit the nail on the head, but I missed and hit my thumb instead. Guess I really nailed it this time!”




“Hit the nail on the head” is an idiom used to express that someone has said or done something that is precisely right or accurate. It suggests that the person has identified the crux of the issue or provided the perfect solution.

⇒「Hit the nail on the head」は、誰かがまさに正しいことや的確なことを言ったり行ったりしたことを表現するのに使われるイディオムです。その人が問題の核心を突き止めたり、完璧な解決策を提供したりしたことを示唆しています。


The phrase “hit the nail on the head” likely originated from carpentry or woodworking. In these trades, hitting the head of a nail squarely with a hammer is crucial for driving it in straight and efficiently. Missing the nail or hitting it at an angle can bend the nail or cause damage to the wood.

⇒「hit the nail on the head」というフレーズは、大工仕事や木工に由来していると考えられます。これらの職業では、金槌で釘の頭を正確に打つことが、釘をまっすぐに効率良く打ち込むために重要です。釘を打ち損じたり、角度を付けて打ったりすると、釘が曲がったり、木に損傷を与えたりする可能性があります。


(1) When John suggested that the company’s main problem was a lack of communication between departments, he really hit the nail on the head.


(2) The speaker’s closing remarks hit the nail on the head, summarizing the key points of the conference perfectly.


(3) When it comes to analyzing the current economic situation, this expert always hits the nail on the head with his predictions.

