
【シン・英会話スピード表現】”go out on a limb” 英語イディオムの意味や由来・豆知識は?


“go out on a limb”


・I wasn’t sure about the new idea, but I decided to go out on a limb and support it.



このフレーズは、木の枝に例えられることからきています。木に登っているとき、枝の先端に進むと枝が折れる危険性が高まります。そのため、「go out on a limb」は、自分が不確かな状況やリスクを冒して行動することを表します。この表現は、仕事や人間関係、意見表明など、さまざまな分野で適用される表現です。


1. take a risk(リスクを冒す)
・I’m not sure if this will work, but I’m willing to take a risk and try it.

2. take a chance(チャンスをつかむ)
・I’ve never done this before, but I’m going to take a chance and see what happens.

3. take a leap of faith(信じる力で飛び込む)
・Starting my own business was a leap of faith, but I’m glad I did it.

4. put oneself on the line(自分を危険にさらす)
・I put myself on the line when I decided to invest all my savings in the startup.


The phrase “go out on a limb” is often used to describe a situation in which someone takes a risk or puts themselves in a vulnerable position in order to achieve a goal. While the origin of this expression is not entirely clear, there are a few theories about where it came from.

One theory is that the phrase has its roots in the practice of tree climbing. When a person climbs a tree, they often have to go out on a limb in order to reach a desired branch. This involves putting their weight on a part of the tree that may not be as stable as the trunk. If the limb were to break, the climber would fall from the tree and be in a dangerous position.

Another theory is that the phrase comes from the world of sports, particularly gymnastics. In gymnastics, athletes often have to perform maneuvers that require them to extend their bodies in unusual ways. This can involve hanging onto a piece of equipment by only one limb, which puts the athlete in a precarious position. If they are not able to maintain their balance, they may fall off the equipment and potentially injure themselves.

Regardless of its origins, the phrase “go out on a limb” is now commonly used to describe any situation in which a person takes a risk or makes a bold move. This might be in the context of a business decision, a personal relationship, or any other area of life in which someone wants to achieve something difficult or challenging.

Comprehension Questions

1. What does the phrase “go out on a limb” mean?
2. What is one theory about the origin of this phrase?
3. What is another example given in the passage of a situation where someone might have to go out on a limb?
4. Can you think of a personal situation in which you went out on a limb? What was the outcome?
5. How might going out on a limb be related to taking risks and achieving goals?


1. The phrase “go out on a limb” is used to describe a situation in which someone takes a risk or puts themselves in a vulnerable position in order to achieve a goal.
2. One theory about the origin of the phrase is that it comes from the practice of tree climbing.
3. Another example given in the passage is the world of sports, particularly gymnastics.
4. Open-ended question.
5. Going out on a limb often involves taking risks in order to achieve challenging goals.