
【試験に超絶出る英熟語・イディオム・英会話表現】”Blessing in disguise”の意味は「一見不幸に見えることが、実は幸運をもたらすこと」IELTS, 英検, 大学入試, 日常会話に超頻出!

Blessing in disguise

“I slipped on a banana peel and broke my leg. What a blessing in disguise! Now I have a valid excuse to skip leg day at the gym for the next few months!”




“Blessing in disguise” (idiom) – This phrase is used to describe a situation that initially seems unfortunate or unpleasant but eventually leads to a positive outcome or benefit.



“Blessing in disguise”の語源は、18世紀の英国の詩人ジェームズ・トムソンの詩に由来すると言われています。彼は、一見悪いことのように見えるものが、実は神の祝福である可能性があると示唆しました。


(1) Losing my job was a blessing in disguise because it gave me the opportunity to pursue my passion for writing.


(2) Although the pandemic has been challenging, it has also been a blessing in disguise for some families who have had more time to spend together.


(3) Missing the flight seemed like a disaster, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise when I found out the plane had mechanical issues.

