
【試験に超絶出る英熟語・イディオム・英会話表現】”Black sheep”の意味は「異端児」IELTS, 英検, 大学入試, 日常会話に超頻出!

Black sheep

“I wanted to be the black sheep of the family, so I dyed my wool jet black and started eating grass instead of meat.”




“Black sheep” (idiom) – This phrase refers to a member of a group or family who is considered different, unconventional, or disreputable compared to the rest of the group. The term is often used to describe someone who doesn’t fit in or conform to the norms and expectations of their social circle.



“Black sheep”の語源は、羊の群れの中で黒い羊が珍しく、他の白い羊とは異なって目立つことに由来しています。黒い羊は遺伝的な変異の結果であり、望ましくないと考えられていました。


(1) In a family of doctors, the son who decided to pursue a career in art was considered the black sheep.


(2) Despite being the black sheep of the royal family, the prince remained true to his unconventional beliefs and actions.


(3) As the black sheep of the corporate world, the eccentric CEO often made headlines with his unorthodox business strategies.

