


☆1. “ebbs and flows” means

A. dollars and cents.
B. ins and outs.
C. nuts and bolts.
D. pros and cons.
E. ups and downs.

正解はE。「ebbs and flows」は「上がりと下がり」または「増減」を意味します。

A. dollars and cents.(ドルとセント)
B. ins and outs.(一部始終)
C. nuts and bolts.(基本・要点)
D. pros and cons.(賛否両論)
E. ups and downs.(上がりと下がり)
“The ebbs and flows of the ice cream sales were clearly influenced by the seasons, skyrocketing in summer and plummeting in winter.”


☆2. “ubiquitous” means

A. consensual.
B. contemporary.
C. pervasive.
D. questionable.
E. welcome.


A. consensual.(合意による)
B. contemporary.(現代の)
C. pervasive.(遍在する)
D. questionable.(疑わしい)
E. welcome.(歓迎される)
“The smiley face emoji has become ubiquitous in online communication, expressing various emotions.”


☆3. “pertinent” means

A. burdensome.
B. inevitable.
C. puzzling.
D. recent.
E. relevant.


A. burdensome.(重荷となる)
B. inevitable.(避けられない)
C. puzzling.(困惑させる)
D. recent.(最近の)
E. relevant.(関連性のある)
“When traveling to a foreign country, understanding the local customs and traditions is pertinent to avoid cultural misunderstandings.”


☆4. “advocating for” means

A. denying the possibility of.
B. requesting permission for.
C. seeking consensus on.
D. speaking out against.
E. standing up for.

正解はE。「advocating for」は「支持する」または「擁護する」を意味します。

A. denying the possibility of.(可能性を否定する)
B. requesting permission for.(許可を求める)
C. seeking consensus on.(合意を求める)
D. speaking out against.(反対意見を述べる)
E. standing up for.(支持する)
“She has been advocating for women’s rights for many years, striving to create a more equitable society.”


5. “yearning” means

A. ignoring.
B. doubting.
C. longing.
D. forgetting.
E. denying.


A. ignoring.(無視する)
B. doubting.(疑う)
C. longing.(切望する)
D. forgetting.(忘れる)
E. denying.(否定する)
“She couldn’t help but feel a yearning for her childhood home whenever she smelled freshly baked cookies.”


6. “drudgery” means

A. excitement.
B. pleasure.
C. monotony.
D. surprise.
E. joy.


A. excitement.(興奮)
B. pleasure.(楽しみ)
C. monotony.(単調さ)
D. surprise.(驚き)
E. joy.(喜び)
“The daily commute can be a drudgery, but listening to podcasts or music helps make the journey more enjoyable.”


7. “existential hazards” means risks that

A. are easily avoided.
B. threaten our very identity.
C. are beneficial.
D. are predictable.
E. are minor.

正解はB。「existential hazards」は「私たちのアイデンティティを脅かすリスク」を意味します。

A. are easily avoided.(簡単に避けられる)
B. threaten our very identity.(私たちのアイデンティティを脅かす)
C. are beneficial.(有益である)
D. are predictable.(予測可能である)
E. are minor.(些細である)
“Existential hazards, such as climate change and nuclear accidents, pose significant threats to the future of our planet.”


8. “aspirant” means

A. opponent.
B. follower.
C. candidate.
D. spectator.
E. leader.


A. opponent.(反対者)
B. follower.(フォロワー)
C. candidate.(候補者)
D. spectator.(観客)
E. leader.(リーダー)
“She is an aspirant actress, hoping to make it big in Hollywood one day.”


9. “exploit” means

A. ignore.
B. praise.
C. utilize to advantage.
D. abandon.
E. support.


A. ignore.(無視する)
B. praise.(称賛する)
C. utilize to advantage.(利用する)
D. abandon.(放棄する)
E. support.(サポートする)
<例文>”Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems to gain unauthorized access and steal sensitive information.”


10. “overcommitment” means

A. underestimation.
B. indifference.
C. excessive dedication.
D. lack of interest.
E. avoidance.


A. underestimation.(過小評価)
B. indifference.(無関心)
C. excessive dedication.(過度な献身)
D. lack of interest.(興味の欠如)
E. avoidance.(回避)
“His overcommitment to work led to chronic stress and burnout.”


11. “nurture” means

A. neglect.
B. harm.
C. foster.
D. destroy.
E. oppose.

A. neglect.(無視する)
B. harm.(害する)
C. foster.(育てる)
D. destroy.(破壊する)
E. oppose.(反対する)
“The act of reading books nurtures the mind and expands our knowledge.”


12. “burned-out” means

A. energetic.
B. enthusiastic.
C. exhausted.
D. eager.
E. excited.

A. energetic.(エネルギッシュな)
B. enthusiastic.(熱心な)
C. exhausted.(疲れ果てた)
D. eager.(熱望している)
E. excited.(興奮している)
“She quit her job because she burned out from overwork.”


13. “presume” means

A. prove.
B. deny.
C. assume.
D. refute.
E. confirm.

A. prove.(証明する)
B. deny.(否定する)
C. assume.(仮定する)
D. refute.(反駁する)
E. confirm.(確認する)
“We presumed that she understood our opinions, but in reality, she didn’t.”


14. “enrich” means

A. impoverish.
B. diminish.
C. enhance.
D. reduce.
E. deplete.

A. impoverish.(貧しくする)
B. diminish.(減少させる)
C. enhance.(向上させる)
D. reduce.(減少させる)
E. deplete.(枯渇させる)
“Reading diverse books can enrich your vocabulary and broaden your perspective.”


15.“obstacle” means

A. aids.
B. supports.
C. barriers.
D. helps.
E. benefits.

A. aid.(助け)
B. support.(サポート)
C. barrier.(障害物)
D. help.(助ける)
E. benefit.(利点)
“The team worked together to overcome the obstacles and achieve their goal.”


16. “shortcoming” means

A. advantage.
B. strength.
C. weakness.
D. talent.
E. skill.

A. advantage.(利点)
B. strength.(強み)
C. weakness.(欠点)
D. talent.(才能)
E. skill.(スキル)
“One of the shortcomings of the new software is its slow loading speed.”


17. “embark on” means

A. abandon.
B. avoid.
C. begin.
D. end.
E. ignore.

正解はC。「embark on」は「開始する」または「取り組む」を意味します。
A. abandon.(放棄する)
B. avoid.(避ける)
C. begin.(開始する)
D. end.(終了する)
E. ignore.(無視する)
“During their twenties, many embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking their true passions and purpose in life.”


18. “prioritization” means

A. elimination.
B. avoidance.
C. ranking in order of importance.
D. random selection.
E. equal treatment.

A. elimination.(排除)
B. avoidance.(回避)
C. ranking in order of importance.(重要度順にランク付けする)
D. random selection.(ランダムな選択)
E. equal treatment.(平等な取り扱い)
“The company needs to prioritize customer satisfaction in order to maintain a competitive edge in the market.”


19. “inoculate” means

A. harm.
B. infect.
C. protect.
D. expose.
E. weaken.

A. harm.(害する)
B. infect.(感染させる)
C. protect.(保護する)
D. expose.(さらす)
E. weaken.(弱める)
“The medical team will inoculate the patients with the COVID-19 vaccine to prevent the spread of the virus.”


20. “doctrine” means

A. rumor.
B. opinion.
C. belief system.
D. suggestion.
E. fact.

A. rumor.(噂)
B. opinion.(意見)
C. belief system.(信念体系)
D. suggestion.(提案)
E. fact.(事実)
“The doctrine of freedom of speech is a fundamental principle in democratic societies.”