

★ 英単語ターゲット1900(6訂版)★ Stock4500 ★ LEAP★ システム英単語(5訂版)★ 速読英単語必修編(7訂版)を独自に研究&データベース化し、5冊の単語帳のいずれにも見出し・太文字で登場する単語469にまとめた「入試に四六時中でる英単語」から毎回1単語、あり得ない例文と画像でお届けします!アリエヘン!

“The snowman was cited for jaywalking across an icy road.”


★ Cite (verb) – To quote, mention, or refer to a source of information or authority in support of an argument, claim, or statement; or to officially summon or notify someone to appear in court.

⇒引用する – 引数、主張、または声明を裏付けるために情報源や権威を引用、言及、または参照すること。また、公式に誰かを裁判所に出頭するように命じる、通知すること。

★ The word “cite” is derived from the Latin word “citare,” which means “to summon, call forth, or put in motion.”



(1) The student cited several research papers to support her argument.


(2) The author cited the works of famous philosophers in her book.


(3) The lawyer cited a relevant case to support his legal argument.


(4) The judge issued a citation to the witness to appear in court.


(5) The academic paper cited numerous sources to provide a comprehensive analysis of the topic.
