


☆1. “flighty” means

A. aggressive
B. fanciful
C. innovative
D. insightful
E. unique


A. aggressive(攻撃的な)
B. fanciful(気まぐれな)
C. innovative(革新的な)
D. insightful(洞察力のある)
E. unique(ユニークな)

“Her flighty behavior made it hard to predict what she would do next.”


☆2. “kindred spirits” means

A. close relatives
B. ghostly beings
C. kind-hearted workers
D. like-minded people
E. old souls

正解はD。「kindred spirits」は「気が合う人々」または「同じ考えを持つ人々」を意味します。

A. close relatives(近い親戚)
B. ghostly beings(幽霊のような存在)
C. kind-hearted workers(心優しい労働者)
D. like-minded people(気が合う人々)
E. old souls(古い魂)

“Even though they met for the first time, they felt like kindred spirits.”


☆3. “scrambling” means

A. entertaining in order to survive
B. frantically searching for something
C. giving mixed signals to confuse
D. struggling to get rid of something
E. trying to avoid something


A. entertaining in order to survive(生き残るためのエンターテインメント)
B. frantically searching for something(必死に何かを探す)
C. giving mixed signals to confuse(混乱させるための混ざった信号を出す)
D. struggling to get rid of something(何かを取り除くのに苦労する)
E. trying to avoid something(何かを避けようとする)

“He was scrambling to find his lost keys before leaving the house.”


☆4. “perpetuate” means

A. deny
B. maintain
C. perplex
D. supply
E. survive


A. deny(否定する)
B. maintain(維持する)
C. perplex(困惑させる)
D. supply(供給する)
E. survive(生き残る)

“Legends are stories that are perpetuated through generations.”


☆5. “onstage” means

A. dramatically
B. freely
C. personally
D. presently
E. publicly


A. dramatically(劇的に)
B. freely(自由に)
C. personally(個人的に)
D. presently(現在)
E. publicly(公の場で)

“After months of practice, she finally had the chance to showcase her talent onstage.”


6.“specifications” means

A. spectacles
B. speeches
C. specialties
D. detailed descriptions
E. suspicions


A. spectacles(眼鏡)
B. speeches(スピーチ)
C. specialties(専門)
D. detailed descriptions(詳細な説明)
E. suspicions(疑念)

“The product was designed and manufactured according to the specified specifications.”


7. “punctuate” means

A. to interrupt
B. to point out
C. to write punctuation
D. to emphasize
E. to calculate


A. to interrupt(中断する)
B. to point out(指摘する)
C. to write punctuation(句読点を書く)
D. to emphasize(強調する)
E. to calculate(計算する)

“The quiet night was punctuated by the sudden sound of fireworks.”


8. “outpouring” means

A. pouring outside
B. a rapid flow or release
C. crying loudly
D. pouring a drink
E. going outside


A. pouring outside(外に注ぐ)
B. a rapid flow or release(急激な流出や放出)
C. crying loudly(大声で泣く)
D. pouring a drink(飲み物を注ぐ)
E. going outside(外に出る)

“Upon the announcement of the musician’s death, there was a global outpouring of grief and tributes.”


9. “blur” means

A. to make unclear
B. to color
C. to hurry
D. to clean
E. to shine


A. to make unclear(不明瞭にする)
B. to color(色をつける)
C. to hurry(急ぐ)
D. to clean(きれいにする)
E. to shine(輝く)

“His vision started to blur after staring at the computer screen for too long.”


10. “innovate” means

A. to renovate
B. to invent
C. to introduce new ideas
D. to negate
E. to initiate


A. to renovate(改装する)
B. to invent(発明する)
C. to introduce new ideas(新しいアイディアを導入する)
D. to negate(否定する)
E. to initiate(開始する)

“Companies need to constantly innovate to stay ahead in the market.”


11. “intimate” means

A. distant
B. hostile
C. close and personal
D. superficial
E. indifferent


A. distant(遠い)
B. hostile(敵意を持った)
C. close and personal(親密な)
D. superficial(表面的な)
E. indifferent(無関心な)

“She has an intimate knowledge of the city’s history, having lived there for over 30 years.”


12. “attributable” means

A. unrelated
B. credited to
C. blamed on
D. distant from
E. opposite of



A. unrelated(関連しない)
B. credited to(〜のせいとされる)
C. blamed on(〜のせいにされる)
D. distant from(〜から遠い)
E. opposite of(〜の反対)

“The success of the project was attributable to the hard work of the entire team.”


13. “solitary” means

A. multiple
B. combined
C. alone or single
D. together
E. crowded


A. multiple(複数の)
B. combined(組み合わせた)
C. alone or single(単独の)
D. together(一緒に)
E. crowded(混雑した)

“He chose a solitary lifestyle, finding peace in the quiet of the countryside.”