
★2025年の大学入試英語長文に出る話題はコレ!2025年度大学受験英語長文最頻出トピック完全予想 BEST20★





1. AI(人工知能)の発展と社会への影響 – AIがもたらす変革や倫理的課題など

2. 気候変動と環境問題 – 地球温暖化対策や持続可能な社会の実現に向けた取り組みなど

3. 感染症のパンデミックとその影響 – コロナ禍の教訓や今後の感染症対策など

4. 働き方改革とワークライフバランス – テレワークの普及やジェンダー平等の推進など

5. グローバル化と文化の多様性 – 国際交流の意義や異文化理解の重要性など

6. 高齢化社会と社会保障 – 少子高齢化への対応や年金・医療制度の課題など

7. 情報技術の発達とプライバシー – ビッグデータ活用のメリットとデメリットなど

8. 教育のデジタル化と学びの変容 – オンライン授業の可能性と課題など

9. 地方創生と都市部の課題 – 地域活性化の取り組みや東京一極集中の是正など

10. 宇宙開発と国際協力 – 月面探査や火星移住計画の意義など

11. 再生可能エネルギーの普及 – 脱炭素社会の実現に向けた技術革新など

12. 食料問題と持続可能な農業 – 食料自給率の向上や環境に配慮した農法など

13. 貧困と格差の是正 – 子どもの貧困対策や所得再分配政策など

14. 健康長寿社会の実現 – 予防医療の推進や健康寿命の延伸など

15. 自然災害への備えと復興 – 防災・減災の取り組みや被災地支援など

16. 芸術・文化の振興 – 文化財の保護や若手アーティストの支援など

17. スポーツの力と社会的意義 – オリンピック・パラリンピックのレガシーなど

18. 生物多様性の保全 – 絶滅危惧種の保護や自然環境の再生など

19. 平和と国際協調 – 紛争解決への取り組みや国連の役割など

20. 科学技術と倫理 – ゲノム編集など最先端技術がもたらす倫理的課題など


Here are the **top 20 topics** that are likely to be featured in the English long-form questions for university entrance exams in the 2025 academic year:

1. **Advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Their Impact on Society**: Explore the transformative effects of AI and the ethical challenges it presents.

2. **Climate Change and Environmental Issues**: Discuss efforts toward mitigating global warming and achieving a sustainable society.

3. **Pandemics and Their Consequences**: Reflect on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and future strategies for handling infectious diseases.

4. **Workplace Reforms and Work-Life Balance**: Consider the widespread adoption of teleworking and the promotion of gender equality.

5. **Globalization and Cultural Diversity**: Delve into the significance of international exchanges and the importance of cross-cultural understanding.

6. **Aging Population and Social Security**: Address the challenges posed by an aging society, including responses to declining birth rates and pension and healthcare system issues.

7. **Advancements in Information Technology and Privacy**: Weigh the pros and cons of utilizing big data and the impact on privacy.

8. **Digitalization of Education and Transformations in Learning**: Explore the potential and challenges of online education.

9. **Regional Revitalization and Urban Challenges**: Analyze efforts to revitalize local communities and address the concentration of resources in Tokyo.

10. **Space Exploration and International Cooperation**: Discuss the significance of lunar exploration and Mars colonization plans.

11. **Promotion of Renewable Energy**: Investigate technological innovations toward achieving a decarbonized society.

12. **Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture**: Examine methods to improve self-sufficiency in food production and environmentally conscious farming practices.

13. **Poverty Alleviation and Reducing Disparities**: Propose policies to combat child poverty and address income redistribution.

14. **Achieving a Healthy and Long Life**: Explore preventive healthcare measures and extending healthy lifespans.

15. **Disaster Preparedness and Recovery**: Evaluate disaster prevention and relief efforts, including support for affected regions.

16. **Promotion of Arts and Culture**: Discuss cultural heritage preservation and support for emerging artists.

17. **The Power of Sports and Its Societal Significance**: Consider the legacy of the Olympics and Paralympics.

18. **Conservation of Biodiversity**: Explore protecting endangered species and restoring natural environments.

19. **Peace and International Cooperation**: Analyze conflict resolution efforts and the role of the United Nations.

20. **Ethical Challenges of Cutting-Edge Science and Technology**: Reflect on the implications of genome editing and other advanced technologies.
