
【Space tourism の意味は?】宇宙旅行とは? 大学受験英語必出最新テーマ ~100語で覚える時事英語~ 音声つき

【Space tourism】(宇宙旅行)

Space tourism involves recreational space travel, either on government-owned vehicles like the Russian Soyuz or private spacecraft from companies such as SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic. Tourists can experience suborbital or orbital flights, with prices ranging from $250,000 to millions of dollars. The industry is expected to grow, with lunar excursions and trips to Mars on the horizon. However, safety concerns and the environmental impact of rocket launches remain challenges. As technology advances and costs decrease, space tourism may become more accessible, allowing more people to fulfill their dreams of spaceflight.


<<Key Terms>>

・Space tourism (宇宙旅行) – recreational space travel for leisure purposes「余暇目的のレクリエーション的な宇宙旅行」

・Suborbital flights (弾道飛行) – flights that reach space but do not complete a full orbit「宇宙に到達するが、完全な軌道を描かない飛行」

・Orbital flights (軌道飛行) – flights that complete at least one full orbit around the Earth「地球を少なくとも1周する飛行」

・Spacecraft (宇宙船) – vehicles designed to travel in space

・Lunar excursions (月面旅行) – trips to the Moon’s surface

・Environmental impact (環境への影響) – the effect of human activities on the natural environment「人間の活動が自然環境に与える影響」

・Rocket launches (ロケット打ち上げ) – the act of sending a spacecraft into space using a rocket「ロケットを使って宇宙船を宇宙に送り込むこと」

・Spaceflight (宇宙飛行) – the act of traveling through space