
【英文速読トレーニング1】”The Magic of Reading: Embarking on a Fascinating Journey through Words”「読書の魔法:言葉を通じた魅惑的な旅への出発」

このコーナーは、みなさんの英語の速読力を鍛え上げるコーナーです。大学入学共通テストでは、150wpm (words per minute)必要と言われています。毎回目標読書スピードも載せておきます。ストップウォッチ片手に、速読トレーニングに勤しみましょう!



Reading is a wonderful activity that allows us to explore different worlds and gain knowledge. It broadens our horizons and stimulates our imagination. Whether it’s a gripping novel, an informative non-fiction book, or a thought-provoking poem, reading offers us an escape from reality and a chance to delve into new perspectives. It can be a source of entertainment, inspiration, or even solace. Developing a reading habit is beneficial for our mental well-being and personal growth. So, let’s pick up a book and embark on a fascinating journey through words. (89 words)

Comprehension Questions:

1. What does reading allow us to do?
a) Explore different worlds and gain knowledge
b) Discover new hobbies and interests
c) Enhance physical fitness
d) Solve complex mathematical equations

2. How does reading stimulate our imagination?
a) By providing an escape from reality
b) By improving our physical well-being
c) By teaching us new skills
d) By helping us socialize effectively

3. What are the benefits of developing a reading habit?
a) Mental well-being and personal growth
b) Increased physical strength
c) Financial success
d) Improved cooking skills

4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a type of book to read?
a) Gripping novel
b) Informative non-fiction book
c) Thought-provoking poem
d) Action-packed video game

5. What can reading be a source of?
a) Entertainment, inspiration, or solace
b) Physical fitness and endurance
c) Financial investment opportunities
d) Advanced scientific knowledge


1.a 2.a 3.a 4.d 5.a

[CEFR A2-B1 Vocabulary and Phrases]

Reading habit: The regular practice of reading books or other written material.

Mental well-being: The state of emotional and psychological wellness.

Personal growth: The process of improving oneself intellectually, emotionally, or socially.

Gripping novel: A captivating and suspenseful book.

Informative non-fiction book: A factual book that provides knowledge or information about a particular subject.

Thought-provoking poem: A poem that stimulates thinking or contemplation.

Escape from reality: The act of mentally transporting oneself to a different world or situation through reading.

Broaden horizons: To expand one’s knowledge, experiences, and perspectives.

Stimulate imagination: To trigger or inspire creative thinking and mental imagery.

Solace: Comfort or relief in times of distress or sadness.
