
【Multilateralismの意味は?】多国間主義とは? 大学受験英語必出最新テーマ ~100語で覚える時事英語~ 音声つき


Multilateralism is an approach to international cooperation where multiple countries work together to address shared challenges and pursue common goals. It involves creating and upholding rules, norms, and institutions that govern relations between states. Key multilateral organizations include the United Nations, World Trade Organization, and International Monetary Fund. Multilateralism promotes dialogue, negotiation, and compromise, aiming to find solutions that benefit all parties. It contrasts with unilateralism, where countries act independently, and bilateralism, involving cooperation between just two states. In an interconnected world facing complex global issues, multilateralism is essential for fostering peace, stability, and prosperity.


<<Key Terms>>

・Multilateralism (多国間主義) – cooperation among multiple countries to address shared challenges「共通の課題に取り組むための複数国間の協力」

・International cooperation (国際協力) – countries working together to achieve common objectives「共通の目的を達成するために国々が協力すること」

・Rules (規則) – agreed-upon principles or laws that govern behavior

・Norms (規範) – shared expectations about appropriate conduct

・Institutions (制度) – formal organizations or structures that shape interactions「相互作用を形作る正式な組織または構造」

・United Nations (国連) – global organization promoting peace, security, and cooperation「平和、安全保障、協力を促進する世界的な組織」

・World Trade Organization (世界貿易機関) – regulates and facilitates international trade「国際貿易を規制し、促進する機関」

・International Monetary Fund (国際通貨基金) – fosters global monetary cooperation and stability「世界的な通貨協力と安定性を促進する機関」

・Dialogue (対話) – constructive exchange of ideas and perspectives

・Negotiation (交渉) – process of reaching agreement through discussion and compromise「議論と妥協を通じて合意に達するプロセス」

・Compromise (妥協) – settling differences through mutual concessions

・Unilateralism (一国主義) – acting independently without regard for others’ interests「他者の利益を考慮せずに単独で行動すること」

・Bilateralism (二国間主義) – cooperation or agreements between two countries「2国間の協力または合意」

・Interconnected (相互依存) – mutually dependent or influencing one another「相互に依存しているまたは影響し合っている」
