
【ChatGPTで英語学習】英語力をアップさせるプロンプト (Prompt) 「英会話スキルを向上させるためのプロンプト」


以下のプロンプトをChatGPTにコピペして、”regenerate response”を繰り返しクリックすれば、無限に英会話スキルを向上させるための実践例をゲットできます!なお、プロンプトは”Intermediate”(中級者)になっていますが、”beginner”(初心者)や”advanced”(上級者)と変更すれば、自分のレベルにあった実践例を入手できます。


Create a conversation guide for 【intermediate】 English learners to practice their conversational skills. Include common phrases and expressions, topics for discussion, and suggested follow-up questions. Also, provide a list of vocabulary words and idioms related to the topics to help learners expand their English proficiency. Additionally, incorporate interactive exercises such as role-playing scenarios and listening comprehension activities to improve overall communication abilities.



【回答1】Conversation Guide for Intermediate English Learners:


Hi! I’m ChatGPT, and I’m here to help you practice your conversational skills in English. Let’s start with some common phrases and expressions that you can use during your conversations:

Common Phrases and Expressions:

Hi, how are you doing?
Nice to meet you.
What do you do for a living?
Where are you from?
What brings you here today?
How long have you been learning English?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Have you been to any interesting places recently?
That’s really interesting.
I agree/disagree with you.

Topics for Discussion:

Hobbies and interests
Travel experiences
Food and culinary experiences
Cultural differences
Current events and news
Family and relationships
Work and career aspirations
Personal goals and achievements

Suggested Follow-up Questions:

What made you interested in that hobby?
What was your favorite destination that you have traveled to?
Have you tried any new foods recently?
What are some customs or traditions that are unique to your culture?
What news story caught your attention recently?
How would you describe your family dynamic?
What inspired you to pursue your current career?
What are some goals that you would like to achieve in the future?

Vocabulary Words and Idioms:

Enthusiast (noun) – a person who is highly interested in a particular activity or subject.
Wanderlust (noun) – a strong desire to travel.
Epicurean (adjective) – relating to the enjoyment of good food and drink.
Cultural shock (noun) – a feeling of disorientation when experiencing an unfamiliar culture.
Breaking news (noun) – current and urgent news that has just happened.
Nuclear family (noun) – a family consisting of parents and their children.
Career ladder (noun) – a sequence of positions that lead to higher levels of responsibility and pay.
Set goals (phrase) – to identify and aim to achieve specific objectives.

Interactive Exercises:

Role-playing scenarios – act out conversations in different situations (e.g., at a restaurant, in a job interview).
Listening comprehension activities – listen to audio recordings and answer questions about what you heard.
Debate and discussion topics – have a friendly debate or discussion about a topic of interest to you and your conversation partner.


Great job! I hope this guide helps you to practice and improve your conversational skills in English. Remember to keep practicing, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Keep trying, and you will make progress!

【回答2】Conversation Guide for Intermediate English Learners

Welcome to this conversational guide designed to help intermediate English learners improve their conversational skills. This guide will provide you with some common phrases and expressions, topics for discussion, suggested follow-up questions, vocabulary words and idioms, and interactive exercises. Let’s get started!

Common Phrases and Expressions:

Nice to meet you.
How are you doing?
What have you been up to?
Can you tell me a little about yourself?
That’s interesting.
I see what you mean.
I couldn’t agree more.
That’s a good point.
Let me think about it.
I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.

Topics for Discussion:

Hobbies and Interests
Travel and Vacations
Food and Cuisine
Work and Careers
Culture and Art
Education and Learning
Sports and Fitness
Technology and Innovation
Health and Wellness
Entertainment and Media

Suggested Follow-up Questions:

What got you interested in this hobby?
Have you traveled to any interesting places recently?
What’s your favorite type of cuisine?
What do you like most about your job?
Have you visited any museums or art galleries recently?
What subjects did you enjoy most in school?
What sports do you like to play/watch?
What’s the latest tech gadget you’ve purchased?
What do you do to stay healthy?
What movies or TV shows have you been watching lately?

Vocabulary Words and Idioms:

Wanderlust – A strong desire to travel
Foodie – A person who loves food and enjoys trying new cuisines
Career Path – The series of jobs and experiences that lead to one’s chosen career
Artistic Expression – The process of creating art that represents one’s thoughts or feelings
Lifelong Learner – Someone who continues to learn throughout their life
Fitness Enthusiast – A person who is passionate about staying fit and active
Cutting-edge – Something that is new and innovative
Mind-Body Connection – The relationship between a person’s thoughts, emotions, and physical health
Binge-watch – To watch multiple episodes of a TV show in one sitting
Catch up – To get up to speed on something you missed or haven’t kept up with

Interactive Exercises:

Role-playing scenarios: Take turns pretending to be a waiter or customer in a restaurant and practice ordering food or asking for recommendations.
Listening Comprehension: Listen to a short audio clip on a topic and summarize what you heard in your own words.


Choose a topic and take opposing sides to practice arguing your points.


Share a personal story with your partner or group and practice using descriptive language and storytelling techniques.
Vocabulary Games: Play games such as word association or word matching to expand your vocabulary and improve your memory.
Remember, the key to improving your conversational skills is to practice consistently and use the language as much as possible. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and keep a positive attitude towards learning. Good luck!



自己紹介: Hi, I’m [name]. Nice to meet you!
仕事や学校について聞く: What do you do for work/study?
趣味や興味について聞く: What do you like to do in your free time?
旅行について聞く: Have you traveled anywhere interesting recently?
最近何をしていたか聞く: What have you been up to lately?
話題を提供する: Have you seen any good movies or TV shows lately?
趣味について話す: I’ve been getting into [hobby]. Have you ever tried it?
予定を立てる: Do you want to grab a coffee sometime this week?
料理について話す: This [dish] is really delicious! Have you tried it before?
お勧めのレストランを聞く: Do you have any favorite restaurants in the area?
好きな食べ物について話す: I love [food]. How about you?
話題を変える: Have you heard about [current event]?


ミーティングの始まり: Good morning/afternoon, everyone. Thank you for coming today.
プレゼンテーションについて質問する: Could you go into more detail about [specific topic]?
意見を述べる: I think that [idea] would be a great solution.
ミーティングの終わり: Thank you all for coming. Let’s touch base next week.


I see/understand.
That makes sense.
Could you repeat that, please?
Excuse me, could you speak more slowly?
I’m sorry, I don’t understand.
Can you clarify that for me?
Let me think about that.


旅行: passport, visa, luggage, itinerary, jet lag
食べ物: cuisine, appetizer, entrée, dessert, vegetarian
仕事: deadline, project, collaboration, client, team player
映画/テレビ番組: blockbuster, box office, ratings, binge-watch, spoiler
スポーツ: athlete, coach, championship, score, referee


Could you tell me more about that?
How did that make you feel?
What was your favorite part?
Have you ever experienced something similar?
Do you have any recommendations?
Can you give me an example?
What do you think about [related topic]?


シーン1: あなたは初対面の人と一緒に食事しています。相手はあなたの趣味について興味を示しています。趣味について話してみましょう。

A: So, what do you like to do in your free time?
B: I love to cook! Trying out new recipes is my favorite thing to do.
A: That’s really cool! What’s your favorite thing to make?
B: I really enjoy making homemade pasta from scratch. It’s time-consuming, but the end result is always worth it.
A: Wow, that sounds amazing. Do you have any tips for making homemade pasta?
B: Yeah, it can be a little tricky at first. One thing I would suggest is making sure you use enough flour so the dough isn’t too sticky. And don’t forget to let the dough rest before rolling it out!
A: Thanks for the advice. I might have to try making homemade pasta myself sometime!



A: I’m planning a trip to Japan next month. I’m really excited to try all the different types of sushi there.
B: So you’re going to Japan soon and you want to eat sushi?
A: Yes, exactly! I’ve heard that the sushi in Japan is some of the best in the world.
B: Have you ever tried sushi before?
A: Yes, I love sushi! But I’m especially excited to try the authentic Japanese sushi.
B: That sounds like a great trip. When are you leaving?
A: I leave on April 15th.
B: Oh, that’s coming up soon! Do you have your itinerary planned out yet?
A: Yes, I have most of it planned out. I’m going to visit Tokyo, Kyoto, and Hiroshima. I also want to visit some smaller towns and experience the local culture.
B: That sounds like a great trip. What are you most looking forward to doing in Japan?
A: I’m really excited to see the cherry blossoms in bloom. I’ve heard they’re absolutely stunning!
B: Yes, the cherry blossoms are definitely a must-see. Have a great trip and take lots of pictures!
A: Thanks, I definitely will! I’m also looking forward to trying some traditional Japanese food and visiting some temples and shrines.
B: That sounds like a great plan. Just make sure you have plenty of yen with you, as some places may not accept credit cards.
A: Thanks for the reminder. I’ve already exchanged some money, but I’ll make sure to have enough with me.
B: No problem. Japan is a wonderful country with so much to see and do. I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time.
A: Thanks, I can’t wait!