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“The clouds decided to classify themselves as a new species of floating marshmallows.”


★ Classify (verb) – To categorize or arrange something or someone into groups or classes based on shared characteristics or qualities.

⇒分類する – 共有の特徴や品質に基づいて、何かまたは誰かをグループやクラスに分けたり配置したりすること。

★ The word “classify” is derived from the Latin word “classis,” meaning “class” or “group.” It is formed from the verb “claudo,” which means “to shut” or “to close.”


【Example Sentences】

(1) The librarian helped to classify the books based on their genres.


(2) Scientists classify living organisms into different kingdoms based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships.


(3) The documents were carefully classified according to their confidentiality level.


(4) The teacher asked the students to classify the animals into different habitats.


(5) The app uses an advanced algorithm to automatically classify emails into various folders.
