
【今日の英語テスト9】Autonomous driving technology(自動運転技術にできること)



Autonomous driving technology 

Autonomous driving technology, or self-driving cars, is a rapidly growing field that promises to revolutionize the way we travel. By using advanced sensors and artificial intelligence, these vehicles can navigate roads without the need for a human driver. This exciting development has the potential to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion, and make transportation more accessible for everyone.

One of the key components of autonomous vehicles is the sensor system. These sensors gather data about the surrounding environment, such as the position of other vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles. Information from the sensors is then processed by the car’s onboard computer, which makes decisions about how the vehicle should respond.

Another important aspect of self-driving cars is the artificial intelligence (AI) system. AI algorithms analyze the data collected by the sensors and make decisions in real-time. These algorithms are continuously updated and improved, allowing the vehicle to learn from its experiences and become better at navigating complex situations.

In addition to the technological advancements, there are also various legal and ethical concerns surrounding autonomous vehicles. Governments and regulatory bodies must create new laws and regulations to ensure the safe and responsible use of self-driving technology. Furthermore, questions about liability and insurance need to be addressed, as it might be difficult to determine who is at fault in case of an accident involving an autonomous vehicle.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of autonomous driving technology are significant. Self-driving cars have the potential to greatly reduce the number of accidents caused by human error, as well as decrease traffic congestion by allowing vehicles to travel more efficiently. Moreover, self-driving cars may provide increased mobility for people who are unable to drive due to disabilities or age.

In conclusion, the development of autonomous driving technology is an exciting prospect that has the potential to transform our everyday lives. As the technology continues to advance, it is important for society to address the various challenges and ensure that self-driving cars are implemented in a safe and responsible manner.

(250 words)

**Comprehension Questions:**

1. What is the main purpose of autonomous driving technology?
a. To make transportation more expensive
b. To increase traffic congestion
c. To eliminate the need for a human driver
d. To create more jobs for drivers

2. Which component of self-driving cars gathers data about the surrounding environment?
a. The AI system
b. The sensor system
c. The onboard computer
d. The fuel system

3. What is one of the legal and ethical concerns surrounding autonomous vehicles?
a. Determining who is at fault in case of an accident
b. Reducing the number of accidents on the road
c. Improving mobility for disabled individuals
d. Decreasing traffic congestion

4. What is one potential benefit of self-driving cars?
a. Increasing the number of accidents
b. Reducing the number of accidents caused by human error
c. Increasing traffic congestion
d. Making transportation less accessible


**Answers and Explanations:**

1. c. To eliminate the need for a human driver
2. b. The sensor system
3. a. Determining who is at fault in case of an accident
4. b. Reducing the number of accidents caused by human error

**Important Vocabulary:**

– Autonomous driving technology: 自動運転技術
– Sensors: センサー
– Artificial intelligence (AI): 人工知能
– Liability: 責任
– Mobility: 移動性








1. 自動運転技術の主な目的は何ですか?
a. 交通手段をより高価にするため
b. 交通渋滞を増加させるため
c. 人間の運転手の必要性をなくすため
d. 運転手の仕事を増やすため

2. 自動運転車のどの部分が周囲の環境に関するデータを収集しますか?
a. AIシステム
b. センサーシステム
c. オンボードコンピューター
d. 燃料システム

3. 自動運転車を取り巻く法律や倫理的な懸念の1つは何ですか?
a. 事故の場合に誰が過失による責任を負うかを判断すること
b. 道路での事故の数を減らすこと
c. 障害者の移動能力を向上させること
d. 交通渋滞を減らすこと

4. 自動運転車の1つの潜在的な利点は何ですか?
a. 事故の数を増加させること
b. 人間のミスによる事故を減らすこと
c. 交通渋滞を増加させること
d. 交通手段を利用しにくくすること


1. c. 人間の運転手の必要性をなくすため
2. b. センサーシステム
3. a. 事故の場合に誰が過失による責任を負うかを判断すること
4. b. 人間のミスによる事故を減らすこと


– 自動運転技術: Autonomous driving technology
– センサー: Sensors
– 人工知能 (AI): Artificial intelligence (AI)
– 責任: Liability
– 移動性: Mobility