

3月3日はひな祭りですね。英語では、Doll’s FestivalとかGirl’s Festivalといいます。さて、写真は今日の上野駅中央改札の様子です!パンダのひな人形が飾られていました。が、、、。なんだか女の子パンダが、うつむいて元気がないように見えるのは私だけかな・・・。駅構内も普段なら観光客や外国の方でごった返しているのに、、、。なんとも寂しいひな祭りとなってしまいました・・・。
March 3rd is Hina-Matsuri, the Doll’s Festival for girls. People display a set of dolls and pray for the sound growth of girls in the family.We offer sweet mild sake and diamond-shaped rice cakes on the doll-stand. Hina dolls wear ancient court costumes.

March 3rd is celebrated as the Girl’s Day, or the Festival of Dolls. People display graceful dolls in ancient court costumes on a tier of 5 or 7 shelves covered with scarlet cloth. These dolls represent the Emperor and Empress, the court ladies, the ministers and the court musicians. The girls are expected to be as elegant as these courtly ladies.
Young girls wear their beautiful Kimono and get together before the display and have a good time, eating sweet rice crackers (Hina arare) and drinking white sake (Shirozake). It isalso known as the Peach Festival. [参考:A Handbook Introducing Japan in English]
