今回は、2020年学習院大2020 法・経の対話文問題を解いてみましょう!下に今年出題された問題が5問あります!正しいと思う選択肢をクリックしてください!全ての問題を解くと、コメントが出てきます!また、解説は本ページの下部をご覧ください!
【最新大学入試問題を解こう!<2>対話文】2020年学習院大2020 法・経
A: I didn’t know you liked baseball so much! B: Since I saw Ohtani in America, I’ve really gotten ( ) it!

A: Thanks for the cake. It’s so sweet of you. B: Not at all. I baked it for you in ( ) for your kindness.

A: Hi. I’d like to join your gym. I need to get more exercise! B: Great! Here’s our application form. Fill it out, and don’t forget to ( ) your name at the bottom.

A: Naomi seems to be getting on well at school nowadays. You must be proud of her. B: Yes we are, but I think she ( ) her mother, not me. I hated school!

A: Excuse me. I don’t know how to answer the last question. B: Okay. Perhaps we should ( ) it again in class, to make sure everyone understands.

(1) get into~:「~に夢中になる」「ハマる」
(2) in return (for your kindness):「~のお礼、お返しに」
(3) put your name :「名前を書く」
(4) take after~:「~に似ている」=resemble
(5) go over~:「再チェックする」「レビューする」