
【シン・英会話スピード表現】”up in the air” 英語イディオムの意味や由来・豆知識は?


“up in the air”


・We wanted to go on a trip this weekend, but our plans are still up in the air.



このイディオムは、物事が空中に浮かんでいる様子から来ています。つまり、「up in the air」とは、ある状況や計画がまだ確定していないことを意味します。この表現は、仕事やプライベートの計画、決定事項など、さまざまな分野で使われる表現です。


1. undecided(未決定の)
・We still haven’t chosen a name for our new puppy; it’s undecided.

2. up for grabs(誰にでも取れる)
・The championship is still up for grabs, as none of the teams has secured a spot yet.

3. in limbo(未決定の状態で)
・Since they haven’t made a decision yet, our proposal is still in limbo.

4. hanging in the balance(未確定で)
・The future of the project is hanging in the balance as we wait for the funding decision.

5. up in the clouds(曖昧な)
・Our vacation plans are still up in the clouds since we haven’t decided on a destination.


The Meaning and Origin of “Up in the Air”

“Up in the air” is a phrase that we often use to describe something that is uncertain or undecided. For example, if someone asks us about our future plans and we haven’t made any decisions yet, we might say that things are still “up in the air”. But where did this phrase come from, and what is its history?

The origin of “up in the air” can be traced back to the early days of aviation. In the early 20th century, when airplanes were still a new and exciting technology, it was common for pilots to perform stunts and tricks to demonstrate their flying skills. One of these stunts was known as the “loop-the-loop”, in which a pilot would fly the plane in a complete vertical circle.

During this maneuver, the plane would be pointed straight up towards the sky, leaving the passengers feeling weightless and disoriented. This sensation of being “up in the air” became associated with uncertainty and unpredictability, and the phrase was eventually adopted into common usage to describe any situation where the outcome is unknown.

Today, “up in the air” is still a popular phrase that is used in a variety of contexts, from discussing travel plans to making business decisions. It reminds us that life is full of uncertainty, and that sometimes we just have to wait and see what happens.

Comprehension Questions

1. What does the phrase “up in the air” mean?
2. What was the “loop-the-loop” stunt?
3. How did the phrase “up in the air” become popular in common usage?
4. When might someone use the phrase “up in the air”?
5. What does the phrase “up in the air” remind us of?


1. The phrase “up in the air” describes something that is uncertain or undecided.
2. The “loop-the-loop” stunt was a maneuver performed by early airplane pilots where the plane flew in a complete vertical circle.
3. The phrase “up in the air” became popular in common usage due to its association with the sensation of uncertainty and unpredictability experienced by passengers during the “loop-the-loop” stunt.
4. Someone might use the phrase “up in the air” when discussing plans that are undecided or predicting an uncertain outcome.
5. The phrase “up in the air” reminds us that life is full of uncertainty and sometimes we just have to wait and see what happens.