




実は、”Goodbye”という言葉は、もともと”God be with you”(神があなたとともにありますように)という祈りの言葉が縮まって出来たものなのです!

16世紀のイギリスでは、別れ際に”God be with you”と言うのが一般的なあいさつでした。それが時代とともに発音が崩れ、”God be wi’ you”、”God b’wy”、そして最終的に”Goodbye”になったと言われています。

ちなみに、スペイン語の”Adios”(アディオス)もラテン語で「神にお任せします」という意味の”A Dios”が語源です。同様にフランス語の”Adieu”(アデュー)も、「神に」を意味する”à Dieu”を語源としています。



例えば、”Bless you!”(ブレス・ユー)は、くしゃみをした人に対して「神のご加護がありますように」という意味で使われます。また、”Keeping my fingers crossed”(指を交差させておく)は、「祈りを捧げている」という意味から「うまくいくように願っている」という意味で使われるようになりました。



The Surprising Origin of “Goodbye”! Do You Understand It Correctly?

We use the word “Goodbye” on a daily basis. However, surprisingly few people know its origin.

In fact, the word “Goodbye” originally came from the prayer “God be with you”!

In 16th century England, it was common to say “God be with you” when parting. Over time, the pronunciation changed to “God be wi’ you”, “God b’wy”, and finally became “Goodbye”.

Interestingly, the Spanish “Adios” also has a religious origin. It comes from the Latin phrase “A Dios”, which means “I leave it to God”. Similarly, the French “Adieu” comes from “à Dieu”, meaning “to God”.

Thus, many European languages refer to “God” in their farewells. On the other hand, the Japanese “sayonara” comes from the Buddhist term “sayounaraba”, meaning “if it is so”. It’s fascinating how differences in religious views are reflected in language.

Like “Goodbye”, many words we use daily have religious origins.

For example, “Bless you!” is used to wish God’s blessing on someone who sneezes. Also, “Keeping my fingers crossed” originally meant “I am praying” and is now used to mean “I hope it goes well”.

The background of words reflects the history, culture, and religious views of a country. By understanding the origins of the words we casually use, we can deepen our understanding not only of English but also of various cultures. Why not explore the wonder and depth of language?
