

★ 英単語ターゲット1900(6訂版)★ Stock4500 ★ LEAP★ システム英単語(5訂版)★ 速読英単語必修編(7訂版)を独自に研究&データベース化し、5冊の単語帳のいずれにも見出し・太文字で登場する単語469にまとめた「入試に四六時中でる英単語」から毎回1単語、あり得ない例文と画像でお届けします!アリエヘン!

“The cat commanded the humans to clean its litter box every hour on the hour.”


★ Command (noun/verb) – An authoritative order, instruction, or direction given by a person in a position of authority; or to give an authoritative order or direction.

⇒指令 – 権威ある立場にいる人物によって与えられる命令、指示、または方向。または権威ある命令や指示を与えること。

★ The word “command” is derived from the Old French word “comander,” which means “to order or direct,” and ultimately from the Latin word “commendare,” meaning “to entrust or commit to one’s care.” It implies the authority and control exercised by a person in a position of power.


【Example Sentences】

(1) The general issued a command to his troops to advance and engage the enemy.


(2) The teacher commanded the students to be quiet and pay attention.


(3) The captain commands a crew of skilled sailors aboard the ship.


(4) The military commander is responsible for commanding and coordinating the troops during the operation.


(5) She commanded the attention of the audience with her powerful and captivating performance.
