
【今日の英語テスト6】Chewing Gum – A Surprising History(チューインガム – その意外な歴史)


Chewing Gum – A Surprising History

Chewing gum might seem like a relatively modern invention, but in reality, people have been chewing gum for thousands of years. In fact, the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Mayans all chewed various substances to freshen their breath or simply for the enjoyment of it.

The gum that we know today, however, was invented by a man named Thomas Adams in the late 1800s. Adams was attempting to find a use for chicle, a natural substance harvested from the sapodilla tree in Central America.

Adams began experimenting with the chicle, trying to create a viable product. His first creation was called “New York No. 1” and was sold in small packets. Although the initial sales were slow, the idea of chewing gum caught on, and he soon created many varieties of the product.

The popularity of chewing gum grew rapidly, and by the 1920s, it had become a common treat in the United States and many other countries. Gum was even included in soldiers’ ration kits during World War II.

Today, chewing gum is enjoyed all over the world. Studies have shown that chewing gum can help freshen breath, improve dental health, aid digestion, and increase focus and concentration. However, it’s important to note that not all gum is created equal. Some brands contain high amounts of sugar or artificial sweeteners, so it’s important to read labels and choose a quality product.

1. What is the history of chewing gum?
2. Who invented the gum that we know today?
3. What was Adams’ first creation called?
4. When did the popularity of chewing gum grow rapidly in the US?
5. What are some benefits of chewing gum?

1. People have been chewing gum for thousands of years, starting with the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Mayans.
2. Thomas Adams invented the gum that we know today.
3. Adams’ first creation was called “New York No. 1”.
4. The popularity of chewing gum grew rapidly by the 1920s.
5. Chewing gum can help freshen breath, improve dental health, aid digestion, and increase focus and concentration.

チューインガム – 意外な歴史







1. チューインガムの歴史は何ですか?
2. 私たちが今知っているガムを誰が発明しましたか?
3. アダムスの最初の作品は何と呼ばれていましたか?
4. アメリカでチューインガムの人気が急速に広まったのはいつ


1. チューインガムの歴史は何千年も前から始まっており、古代ギリシャ人、エジプト人、マヤ人が始めました。
2. 今日私たちが知っているガムを発明したのはトーマス・アダムスです。
3. アダムスの最初の作品は「ニューヨークNo.1」と呼ばれていました。
4. チューインガムの人気は1920年代に急速に広まりました。
5. チューインガムは口臭を爽やかにし、歯の健康を改善し、消化を助け、集中力を高めることができます。