
【今日の英語テスト4】The Fascinating Story of the Banana(バナナの魅力的な物語)



The Fascinating Story of the Banana

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They’re sweet, easy to peel, and come in their wrapper! But did you know that bananas have an interesting and even controversial history?

Origin of Bananas

Bananas are believed to have originated in Southeast Asia, specifically in Malaysia. From there, they spread to other parts of Asia and eventually made their way to Africa. During the 15th century, Portuguese explorers introduced bananas to the Caribbean Islands and South America, where they became a staple food.

The Banana Republic

The term “banana republic” was coined in the early 20th century to describe countries in Central America that were heavily dependent on the export of bananas. Companies like the United Fruit Company, which later became Chiquita Brands International, played a dominant role in the politics and economies of these countries, often at the expense of the local people.

The Panama Disease

In the 1950s, a disease called Panama disease, or Fusarium wilt, almost wiped out the world’s banana crops. The disease attacks the roots of banana plants, preventing them from absorbing water and nutrients. To combat the disease, scientists developed a new variety of banana called the Cavendish banana, which is resistant to Panama disease.

The Future of Bananas

Despite the success of the Cavendish banana, scientists are concerned that another strain of Panama disease could also develop and wipe out this variety. In addition, the global banana industry faces other challenges, such as climate change and the need for sustainable farming practices.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Where did bananas originate?
2. How did bananas reach the Caribbean and South America?
3. What is a “banana republic?”
4. What is the Panama Disease and how was it combated?
5. What are some challenges facing the global banana industry?


1. Bananas are believed to have originated in Southeast Asia, specifically in Malaysia.

2. Bananas were introduced to the Caribbean Islands and South America by Portuguese explorers during the 15th century.

3. A “banana republic” is a term used to describe countries in Central America that were heavily dependent on the export of bananas, often at the expense of the local people.

4. The Panama Disease, or Fusarium wilt, attacked the roots of banana plants, preventing them from absorbing water and nutrients. Scientists developed a new variety of banana called the Cavendish banana, which is resistant to Panama disease.

5. The global banana industry is facing challenges such as climate change and the need for sustainable farming practices, as well as the possible development of another strain of Panama disease that could wipe out the Cavendish banana.













1. バナナの起源はどこですか?

2. バナナはどのようにしてカリブ海や南アメリカにたどり着いたのですか?

3. 「バナナ共和国」とは何ですか?

4. パナマ病とは何で、どのように対処されましたか?

5. 世界のバナナ産業が直面しているいくつかの課題は何ですか?



1. バナナは東南アジア、特にマレーシアが起源とされています。

2. 15世紀にポルトガルの探検家たちが、バナナをカリブ諸島や南アメリカに持ち込みました。

3. 「バナナ共和国」とは、中央アメリカのバナナ輸出に大きく依存していた国々を指す言葉です。

4. パナマ病はバナナ栽培に深刻な被害を与える病気で、科学者たちはパナマ病に耐性のある新しい品種のバナナ、キャベンディッシュ・バナナを開発することで対処しました。

5. 世界のバナナ産業が直面している課題には、新たなパナマ病の発生、気候変動、持続可能な農業の必要性などがあります。