


Your school’s drama club will organize a “time travel quest” for the annual school fair. While researching ideas, you come across a blog post about a time travel-themed event a Canadian woman made for her friends.

Journey Through Time: A Time Travel Quest

A few months ago, I participated in a “time travel” themed event and absolutely loved it. So, I decided to create one for my friends. Here are some suggestions on how to make your own time travel quest.

First, choose a time period. My friends are big fans of Ancient Egypt, so I selected that era for our adventure. I transformed our basement into an Egyptian tomb by rearranging some furniture and using old posters and artifacts I had collected over the years.

Next, develop a plot. Our story was The Quest for the Lost Pharaoh’s Treasure. My friends would become “time travelers” who needed to find clues to locate the hidden treasure.

The third step is to create riddles and obstacles. A helpful strategy is to start with the final answer and work your way back. If the objective is to unlock a door with a four-letter word, brainstorm ways to conceal a four-letter code. Vintage maps are excellent for concealing hidden messages. I enjoyed circling various locations to form enigmatic hints. Keep in mind that the challenges should become increasingly difficult as the quest progresses. To immerse themselves in the experience, my friends dressed up as Ancient Egyptian explorers. They were thrilled when I handed them a scroll with the first clue and they began their journey through time.

This “time travel quest” was tailored specifically for my friends, so I incorporated some personalized challenges. For the final task, I set up a small-scale excavation site with sand and hid a coded message in a tiny chest buried beneath. My friends had to carefully dig and sift through the sand to uncover the vital clue. They were fully engaged throughout the adventure, and had so much fun that we plan on organizing another one in a few months.

問1 Arrange the following events (①~④) in the order they occurred. 【24】 → 【25】 → 【26】 → 【27】

① The friends started their journey through time.
② The friends dressed up as Ancient Egyptian explorers.
③ The woman set up the basement as an Egyptian tomb.
④ The friends uncovered a clue from a chest in the sand.

問2 If you follow the woman’s advice to create your own “time travel quest,” you should 【28】.

① focus on four-letter codes
② hide secret messages in old posters
③ make the challenges progressively harder
④ practice dressing up as Ancient Egyptian explorers

問3 From this story, you understand that the woman 【29】.

① became engrossed in searching for the treasure
② created an experience tailored for her friends
③ encountered difficulties preparing the time travel quest
④ spent a considerable amount on setting up the basement









問1: 以下のイベント(①〜④)を、発生した順番に並べてください。【24】 → 【25】 → 【26】 → 【27】

① 友達は時間をかけて旅を始めた。
② 友達は古代エジプトの探検家に扮した。
③ 女性は地下室をエジプトの墓に設定した。
④ 友達は砂の中の箱から手がかりを見つけた。

問2 女性のアドバイスに従って自分の「タイムトラベルクエスト」を作成する場合、【28】すべきです。

① 4文字のコードに焦点を当てる
② 古いポスターに秘密のメッセージを隠す
③ 次第に難しくなるチャレンジを作る
④ 古代エジプトの探検家に扮する練習をする

問3 この話から、女性は【29】とわかります。

① 宝探しに夢中になった
② 友人たちのために特別な体験を作り上げた
③ タイムトラベルクエストの準備で困難に遭遇した
④ 地下室の設定にかなりの費用をかけた

問1: 24 → ③, 25 → ②, 26 → ①, 27 → ④
問2: 28 → ③
問3: 29 → ②