
【試験に超絶出る英熟語・イディオム・英会話表現】”In the blink of an eye”の意味は「一瞬のうちに」IELTS, 英検, 大学入試, 日常会話に超頻出!

In the blink of an eye

“I wanted to wink at my crush, but I accidentally blinked and missed my chance. It all happened in the blink of an eye!”




“In the blink of an eye” (idiom) – This phrase is used to describe something that happens very quickly, almost instantaneously, as if it occurred in the same amount of time it takes for a person to blink their eye.

⇒「In the blink of an eye」というフレーズは、まばたきをする時間と同じくらい短い時間で起こるほど、非常に素早く、ほとんど瞬時に起こることを表現するのに使われます。


“In the blink of an eye”の語源は、「目をまばたきする」という行為に由来しています。人間の平均的なまばたきは約0.3〜0.4秒で完了します。このように非常に短い時間を表現するために、このイディオムが使われるようになりました。


(1) The magician made the rabbit disappear in the blink of an eye, leaving the audience stunned.


(2) Technology has advanced so rapidly that what was once cutting-edge becomes obsolete in the blink of an eye.


(3) The car accident happened in the blink of an eye, and I didn’t even have time to react.

