English in a minute (今日の使える英会話フレーズ・イディオム)

【試験に超絶出る英熟語・イディオム・英会話表現】”a chip on your shoulder”の意味は「けんか腰になる」IELTS, 英検, 大学入試, 日常会話に超頻出!



a chip on your shoulder

“With a chip on his shoulder and a potato chip on his shoulder, the penguin challenged the polar bear to a dance-off.”


★ Chip on your shoulder (idiom) – To hold a grudge or feel a sense of grievance, often because of feeling inferior or slighted.

⇒けんか腰になる – 恨みを抱く、または不満を感じること。これは、劣等感を感じたり、軽視されたと感じたりするためによく起こります。

★ The phrase “chip on your shoulder” comes from the 19th century practice in the United States of spoiling for a fight by carrying a chip of wood on one’s shoulder, daring others to knock it off.

⇒「chip on your shoulder」のフレーズは、自分の肩に木片を乗せて他人にそれを落とすことを挑発し、戦いを求めるという19世紀のアメリカの習慣から来ています。


(1) He has a chip on his shoulder about not receiving a promotion at work.


(2) She carries a chip on her shoulder because she feels her colleagues underestimate her.


(3) The team had a chip on their shoulder after losing the championship last year.


(4) He walked into the meeting with a chip on his shoulder, ready to argue with anyone who disagreed with him.


(5) They accused him of having a chip on his shoulder because he always seemed ready for a fight.




Welcome to English in a Minute. This is a chip. Delicious. But why would someone have a chip on their shoulder?

A: Dan, do you have any idea why Craig is mad at me?

D: He’s just got a chip on his shoulder. It still bothers him that you got that promotion instead of him.

A: That was months ago. He needs to get over it.

D: I agree.

If someone has a chip on their shoulder, they feel angry about a past situation.

They hold on to the belief that they were treated unfairly. This makes them generally unpleasant to be around. And that’s English in a Minute.



A: ダン、クレイグが僕に怒っている理由を知ってる?

D: 彼はただけんか腰になっているだけだよ。君が彼の代わりに昇進したことがまだ彼を悩ませているんだ。

A: それは何ヶ月も前のことだよ。彼はそれを乗り越える必要がある。

D: 同意するよ。


