

★ 英単語ターゲット1900(6訂版)★ Stock4500 ★ LEAP★ システム英単語(5訂版)★ 速読英単語必修編(7訂版)を独自に研究&データベース化し、5冊の単語帳のいずれにも見出し・太文字で登場する単語469にまとめた「入試に四六時中でる英単語」から毎回1単語、あり得ない例文と画像でお届けします!アリエヘン!

“I tried to attribute my failed exam to the fact that my pencil was allergic to paper, but my professor didn’t believe me.”


★ Attribute (noun) – A characteristic, quality, or feature that is inherent to, typical of, or associated with a person, thing, or group.

⇒属性 – 人、物、またはグループに固有の、典型的な、または関連する特性、質、または特徴。

★ The word “attribute” comes from the Latin “attributum,” which means “assigned” or “attributed,” and has its origins in the Latin verb “attribuere,” which means “to assign” or “to ascribe.”



(1) Honesty is an important attribute in a friend.


(2) The new smartphone has many impressive attributes, such as a long battery life and a high-resolution camera.


(3) The team identified the key attributes they were looking for in a candidate.
