
【英語質問箱】『自宅学習を成功させるコツは?』What Are the Best Ways to Study at Home?

VOAとは. VOAはVoice of America(ボイス・オブ・アメリカ)の略語で、米国政府の海外向けラジオ放送です。このVOAは、英語を学ぶ非ネイティヴの私たちにとって、様々な工夫が施されており、コンテンツの全てがPUBLIC DOMAIN(パブリック・ドメイン)という、まさに原田英語.comにぴったりのメディアなのです!(※他メディアから引用された記事や写真などはPublic Domainに当たらないなどの制約もあり)原田英語.comの【VOAで英語学習】コーナーでは、VOAが提供してくれる様々なコーナーのなかから選りすぐりのコンテンツを皆さんに提供していきます!

Q:“What are the best ways to study at home?”

今回のトピックは、What are the best ways to study at home?「自宅学習を成功させるコツは?」です。まずは音声を聴いて、聞き取れた答えをメモしてください。VOAのサイトでは、英語初心者用にかなりゆっくりなスピードの音声がUPされていますが、原田英語.comでは、独自に加工したオリジナルボイスで、VOAサイト上の2倍速で聴くことができます!






Today we answer a question we get from many readers.

“What are the best ways to study at home?”

Here are some of the best ideas for healthy study habits:

1. Create an area for studying:

Where you study is important. It should be quiet, with good light to read by. You want enough room to spread out your books and notes. A table or desk works well. Be comfortable…but not too comfortable. Do not study on your bed, for example. You might fall asleep!

2. Cut out the noise:

Some people study better in silence. Others like to have a little noise, like soft music playing. Go with whatever helps you focus.

3. Cut out the distractions — and the social media:

Give yourself a break from social media. Put your phone away. And turn off the television. All these things pull you away from what you are trying to learn. Tell the people you live with that you are studying and need time alone to work.

4. Take breaks:

Treat yourself after reading something, working through a math problem, or completing some other task you set out to do. Get up, step away from your work and move your body. Go outside for a few minutes and get some fresh air.

5. Eat so-called “brain foods” that are good for you:

Foods like nuts, seeds, yogurt, berries and fish help your mind stay strong. Sugar may be appealing—especially chocolate, a favorite of this writer — but too much sugar will give you an energy “crash.” And, don’t forget to drink plenty of water.

One more thing: when you study, think good thoughts! Avoid bad thoughts like, “I’ll never be ready for this test.” Instead, tell yourself what you can do: “I can understand and remember this material!”

And Good Luck!

That’s Ask a Teacher, I’m Anne Ball.


habit – n. a usual way of behaving : something that a person does often in a regular and repeated way

comfortable – adj. not causing any physically unpleasant feelings : producing physical comfort

focus – n. to direct your attention or effort at something specific

distraction – n. something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention


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