
【オンラインde高校英語学習】仮定法 -1- 練習問題10連発

【オンラインde高校英語学習】仮定法 -1- 練習問題10連発

If I ( ) her phone number, I ( ) contact her.  (法政大)

Without your advice, my plan ( ) failed. (京都産業大)

It’s time she ( ) to think about her future. (九州国際大)

If I had won the lottery, I ( ) a new car. (立教大)

He spoke ( ) he knew all about our plans when in fact he knew nothing about them. (慶応大)

But ( ) these interruptions, the meeting would have finished earlier. (関西学院大)

I wish I ( ) enough money to buy the house around this time last year. (明治大)

If you had taken my advice at that time, you ( ) more successful now. (亜細亜大)

If the sun ( ) go around the moon, Tom would never change his attitude. (國學院大)

( ), I would do the same. (大手前女子短大)